Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Veteran's Day Assembly

A Salute to our Heros!
Our School Wide Veteran's Day Assembly - 2012

Thanksgiving Workshops

Students enjoyed working in groups of 3 or 4 during their Thanksgiving Workshop time.

What is a Word?

What is a Word?

Students worked together to rip apart the words to a sentence
and then put it back together to recreate the poem we had read in class.

Friday, November 2, 2012


Students sat around a pumpkin and observed it very closely. They drew pictures of the pumpkin and made predictions on how many seeds might be inside. Then they counted the seeds as a class. What a messy way to learn! They loved it!


Thank you to our wonderful and committed volunteer,  Mrs. Schloe! You are so GREAT!


The kids really enjoyed studying spiders. They learned that spiders have 8 legs and some spiders are poisonous and some spiders are good helpers. We also made our own spider webs out of black construction paper.

Labeling an Apple's Parts

Students used my teacher example to figure out where to place their words on their apple.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Apple Headbands

Mrs. Bromiley's Kindergarteners showing off their new "I like _____ apples." headbands. 


Students using the Apple Graph to help them spell their color words, "Red", "Green", and "Yellow".

Old McDonald

Having Fun with Mr. Forester during Music time! Students sang the song "Old McDonald".

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

Our very own classroom coconut tree! Students tore rainbow colored paper and glued them to the first letter in their name.

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

After reading the story "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom", students got to taste coconut and decide whether it was "yummy" or "yucky". Then they stuck their coconut up on our class graph. 

Rainbow Names

Students did a great job tearing rainbow colored paper and gluing it to each letter of their name.

Pete the Cat

Pete the Cat "I Love My White Shoes"

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Back to School

Kindergarteners hard at work on their 2nd day of school.

Classroom wall

Our classroom wall where we will be putting our Rainbow words as we learn them.


Our large tree to along with our bird theme.


Here is our word wall for the bird theme.

Monday, July 30, 2012

New Room

Here are a few classroom photos of my new room before I start organizing it.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Life Cycle of Butterflies

Here is a close up of a butterfly.
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Life Cycle of Butterflies

Students used different crafts on the wall to represent each stage in the life cycle. The students last stage was the beautiful butterflies made from tissue paper & a clothespin.
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Thursday, May 24, 2012


Students learned how to show perspective using a horizon line and changing the size of the objects in their painting.
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Graffiti Tables

I created my own version of graffiti tables to align with the learning going on in our class. Here is a student sample of it. I used this with a sub and he said it kept the kids on task. They really enjoyed writing on their tables.
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Chalkboard Tables

Students using chalk to draw on our new chalkboard tables.
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Sunday, March 11, 2012


Came up with this way to organize my worksheet originals for next year. Each month will have it's own tub but I put all of them in one for now. Each month has a colored "R" for Reading, "W" for Writing, and a "M" for Math. I am adding theme or skill folders to each month for each subject. For example, "M" Apples will go in September Math, "R" Apples will go in September Reading, "W" Apples will go in September Writing.
Red = Reading
Yellow = Writing
Blue = Math

Classroom Divider

I made a classroom divider today. I wanted to create a mobile word wall for my small group time but also thought a divider would be helpful to keep kids focused. So my plan is to either hang a small whiteboard on the pegboard side in order to write the words on for the word wall or use a pocket chart on the empty side for a word wall.

Here are the materials I used to create this divider:
2 1" PVC pipes - 4' in length for horizontal bars
2 1" PVC pipes - 56" in height for vertical bars
6 1" PVC elbows - 4 for feet, 2 for top bar
4 1" PVC T's - 2 for bottom bar, 2 for feet
Pegboard cut to desire
1 bag of zip ties - used to attach pegboard to divider

Now I just hope this divider will come in handy during the year!